Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day Nine: We Check Out the Arts and Crafts Show at Bentsen Grove

Craft Show and Pickleball
The show was outside and inside the main hall.  There were some interesting items and a few too good to pass up.  One man was selling RV maintenance items that are often hard to find.

This older couple were making and selling beautiful signs.  Here she puts a hard sell on Bill. 
 (And it Worked!)  They take their craft all over the US and knew Michigan quite well.
The sign maker was amazing.  She gave him a note of what the sign was to say, and he just marked them out freehand and used his router to finish the job.
Now we have a sign for the front of our travel trailer.  It is "Grayling" because very few people have heard of "Frederic".  Frederic is kind of like "Volinia"!??

Later Bill beat Karen in a game of cut throat Pickleball.  The Pickleball court is marked in red above.  You use wooden paddles and large whiffle balls.  The game is like a large version of table tennis.


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