Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 23: Another Concert and Another Bike Ride

We saw another musical show Friday night in our RV park. This was the Farnam Family of Mom and Pa and six children. They were talented and entertaining but it was not as good a show as the Redhead Express.  They are not quite ready for Las Vegas at this time, but we enjoyed them.

The Farnam Family played Bluegrass, Gospel, and Cowboy songs.

Bill felt sorry for the father.  Not all the children seemed happy about what they were doing.  It is a tough way to support a family or eight.

This nearby neighborhood saw Karen coming on her bike and threw out this banner for her.

This is a golf course we found.  It was not plush but it was busy.

We saw a flock of Pelicans overhead landing in a pond.

This beautiful home had mobile, self-propelled, lawn mower units trimming their yard.

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