Friday, January 24, 2014

Day 21: A Texas Kayak Trip on La Parida Banco

Once a week Bentsen Palm RV Park offers a free kayak trip on a large lake in the State Park for the first six campers to sign up.  Of course, Bill signed up and took the plunge on a windy day with five other hearty people and our blond guide, JoDon. 

Here is the kayakers getting ready to launch.

So we went in all directions and checked out the lake.

The water in the lake was quite rough and JoDon just said, "Be back in two hours."

Who needs more instruction than that?

The scenery along the shore was beautiful and much different than the lakes in Michigan.

I thought the Banco was man-made, but was told it was created when the Rio Grande changed course hundreds of years ago.  Bill paddled against the wind to the far end for a look in a sheltered area.

It was a fun trip and Bill liked the Old Town kayak he chose.  No snakes this time of year helped as well,

When Bill got home he found Karen in the middle of the "beer for lunch bunch" who was having their 4 o'clock happy hour in our back yard.  Our neighbors are from Iowa, Georgia, and Ottawa, Canada.


  1. Bill didn't mention the blond,JoDon, is a very pretty female! Karen

  2. You think you guys can just have fun down there in Texas?🍻🍹


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