Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 8: Audience Watches and Cheers as We Clean the Truck

While it was still cool in the morning we decided to give the truck a good cleaning and get the salt and dirt off the floor and floormats.  Karen helped with the vacuum and windows and the truck interior is now spotless.  While we were cleaning - a flock of about thirty small yellow and green parrots flew in and lit in the trees above and behind Edgewater. They were beautiful and serenated us with loud screeches and screams as if to cheer us on.
Bill prepares to attack the truck interior

Maybe the sound of the vacuum reminded them of their mothers.

The parrots liked the grapefruit tree in back.  Later while Bill was lounging with a book at the outside swimming pool he saw a flock of these beautiful birds with a count of well over a hundred flying overhead.

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