Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 26: Getting to Know the New RV Park

Llano Grande Lake Park is so big that we are still trying to walk around or ride our bikes without getting lost.  It has been pieced together over the years so the streets do not run parallel.  The park is bordered on two sides by a deep winding canal they call a Resaca.
We discovered that on Tuesday mornings these produce wagons come in for two hours to sell their fruits and vegetables.  We bought a few tasty items.

The park has 18 shuffleboard courts!  It should be easy to find a court to play on a normal day.

We found a room near the library that was full of nothing but jigsaw puzzles.  We admired this completed work.

It seemed strange to see a Killdeer this time of year.  He will be back in Michigan about the end of April.


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