Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 10: The People In the Rio Grande Valley This Time of Year

The people who come down here to escape the cold up north are not called "Snow Bunnies" or such like they are known in Florida, but here we are known as "Winter Texans".  By observing the vehicle license plates and lot signs in the park we have decided that almost all the visitors here are from the Midwest. We think Minnesota has the most guests followed by Wisconsin. Canada is well represented.  From the Northeast we have only seen one vehicle from Maine and one from Maryland.  Bill played pool the other day against a man from Minnesota who had seven brothers and seven sisters!  (Hey- his father had to have something to do in the long winters up there! I guess)
The outside pool at Bentsen Grove

The lighted horseshoe pits.  There is lighted shuffleboard courts as well.

The inside pool and hot tub.

The ping pong, tennis, and dart area.
*Note to readers:  (if there are any out there?)  The settings to our blog have been tweaked so that you no longer have to register to leave a comment.  Leave a comment if you wish and it will come to our email as anonymous but we will not know who you are unless you put in your name or initials.  Thanks  -  Bill & Karen


  1. So who won the game of pool? The horse shoe pits look pretty empty, no competition???

  2. Did you go in the hot tub? -Beth


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