Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 25: We Move on East Down the Rio Grande Valley

Bentsen Palm Village was probably the nicest RV park we had ever parked Edgewater in, but wanderlust set in and off we go to a new place to set her down.  We drove about 30 miles to the east (toward Brownsville) and moved into Llano Grande Lake Park which is just south of the town of Mercedes, Texas.  After all, how can one compare the RV parks if one doesn't get in and set a spell?The Park has an old, middle-aged, and new section.  The new section was full so we had to settle for the middle-aged area.

The Park is huge with 1140 total total spaces.  Here is the spot where we landed.

Llano Grande Lake Park has four heated swimming pools.  It is cool today (Tuesday).

We booked in for a two-week stay.  We now have a lot of exploring to do.


  1. Have fun exploring!!! TLH

  2. Going to visit the Gulf? How far are you from it? EM

  3. You picked a good winter to be in South Texas. We are loving our balmy -30 windchill & snow piling higher by the minute. The bird feeders are full of Jays, Cardinals, Tufted Titmouse, Chickadees, Flickers & today we had a Downey Woodpecker. Todd feeds the squirrels, too. He says their hungry & cold & he feels sorry for them...Have fun checking out your new area!

    1. I posted & caught my spelling boo-boo~"they're" not their...ugh!

    2. I forgot to mention the Nuthatches are at the feeder, also. They are fun to watch upside down!


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