Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 17: Hobbies for RV Residents in Our Park (besides dog lovers)

Bentsen Palm RV Resort has an organic garden area that allows their guests to plant and tend a garden plot for their own use if they wish.  Of course, one should be here long enough to allow it to produce, but many RV people come for four or five months or more in the winter.

These signs make it clear that the garden area is not part of the dog runs.
The garden area has citrus trees planted along one side that are still quite young and not producing grapefruits and oranges yet.

People bring their own tools and eat healthy after all their work.

The park also has a large woodworking shop that has equipment that residents can use to work on projects.  There are volunteers who give advice and even classes.

The shop is always busy but people like Bill would rather be outside when the sun is shining.  Also, by staying outside Bill should have all his fingers when he heads home.

1 comment:

  1. "Also, by staying outside Bill should have all his fingers when he heads home."

    Ain't that the truth!! We don't want to have to call you Old Six Finger....

    -one of your bratty kids


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