Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 27: Inclement Weather Offers A Rare Bike Ride Opportunity

Tuesday night was not only cold down here in Texas but we got about 3/4 inch of rain and the wind blew pretty hard.  We even heard a low rumble of thunder or two.  Would you believe that ice was dropping off the palm trees Wednesday morning?  Consequently, the RV park golf course was closed on Wednesday as water was standing on parts of the course.  This offered Bill a good opportunity to ride the cement cart paths and check things out.

The concrete path followed all 18 holes, Bill just had to ride through the puddles.

The wind hardly made our trailer shake the night before.  It was surprising to see the tree damage on the golf course.  The trees down here in Texas must be wimpy.
This is how all golf courses should be:  Wide open, and flat as a table top with few trees and hazards to get in the way of your ball!

This Jackrabbit was enjoying the quiet afternoon.  He was fast and could really kick up his heels when he ran.

The sign on this bench indicates that the golf course used to be a country club before Llano Grande Lake Park Resort took it over.

This big white bird was showing his little Buddie the ropes about how to catch frogs and fish in one of the water hazards.

More storks were coming in to enjoy the quiet golf course water holes.  It was a terrific bike ride through a great outdoor setting.

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