Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 3: Jonesboro Arkansas to Nacogdoches Texas (finally a thaw)

We awoke on Sunday in Jonesboro Arkansas to a temperature above freezing and rain coming down.  We hurried out as temperatures were predicted to drop all day and snow was in the forecast.  The fields in central Arkansas were flooded and muddy. We made it to Little Rock before noon and our truck and trailer, Edgewater, were thawed out finally and washed for the first time in months with the heavy rain.  There was a very strong wind out of the north that made driving with the trailer a white-knuckle experience pretty much all day.  We entered Texas at 3 PM on Sunday at Texarkana.  The temps often were below freezing but the roads were dry and we put another 430 miles on the truck. We grabbed a motel in Nacogdoches that Lucinda Williams will tell you "is in east Texas not far from the border."
Gas in southern states is cheaper than Michigan

Wet fields west of Jonesboro

Many flocks of birds seemed to appreciate the wet conditions.

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