Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 5: Unpacking and Getting Setteled Into The Rio Grande Valley

Here is the resort into which we booked our first week.  It is an older well-established resort with a 5-star rating and 850 sites.  They put out a huge weekly schedule of social events that include everything from clogging classes, aerobics, Mah Jongg, poker,Yoga, pickleball,quilting, to Swedish weaving,etc.etc.  They have two swimming pools - one of which is indoors.

Karen picks her grapefruit from the tree behind the RV.  We were delighted that all systems in the trailer are working as designed except the smoke detector that would not shut up. Bill cut its throat so we could sleep.  We will replace it soon.

 The park has a very large library with CDs as well as books and magazines.  The library works entirely under the honor system.

We had not seen a garden like this since last summer in Michigan.  It even had large green tomatoes.

For today- a high of 68 looks better down here than that 12 in upper Michigan!


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