Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 16: Another Reason Some Folks Choose Bentsen Palm Villege RV Resort

Before we moved to Bentsen Palm RV Park, a camper in our old park referred to it as the "dog" park.  We asked him why and he said it has the largest dog run areas of any park in the Valley.  We now believe it to be true.
Here are some dog run users. We have no dog at this time but many people here do.  Everyone is thorough about picking up after their dogs so the park stays very clean.  Notice the palapa where dog owners can sit to get away from the sun while their dogs chase each other without a leash.

The penned dog run areas are almost 100 yards long and there are two of them.

This dog area actually has an obsticle course for the pooches.  We have not seen anyone use it yet.

Here somebody's dog got loose and wandered into our lot.  He was a big one but we don't know what breed.  He was not friendly either, and didn't even like being scratched behind his droopy ears!

Low temps for tomorrow (Monday 1-20-14)  Why we are enjoying southern Texas, and are having trouble moving our trailer north.

1 comment:

  1. The girls want you to bring home a dog like that with droopy ears. - Becky


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