Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 20: We Go South of the Border - Down Mexico Way

On Wednesday January 22 we got an early start with Phil and Nancy Smoker and drove east and south about 25 miles to the international bridge near Progreso, Texas.  We had been told that the border towns of Reynosa and Matamoros in Mexico are now too dangerous to enter, but Nuevo Progreso, Mexico was deemed safe for Winter Texans.  We parked the truck on the American side and walked across to Mexico.

Here is the Rio Grande from the bridge. -->
This is the middle of the international bridge.

 Karen Phil and Nancy at the edge of town
We stopped at a bakery for a sweet roll and coffee.

 And we were serenaded by a band.  Note the tip jar by Karen's cup.  They were talented.

Many Winter Texans come here for dental work.  You could get your teeth cleaned for $25.00

This a great place to get your drugs.  They were cheap and you did not need a prescription.  Bill bought a large bottle of Kahlua for $10.30. (made in Mexico) for medicinal purposes only.

After a late lunch back in Texas, we stopped at a flea market in the town of Donna.

Phil, Karen and Nancy check out the merchandise.  We saw many of the same items we had seen across the border.  We had a long, fun day and appreciated the Smokers showing us around.

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