Wednesday, January 18, 2017

We Visit A National Historic Landmark

Tuesday was a cold, overcast, and misty day so we drove a few miles to visit Fort Davis.  The old fort is very near the small Texas town of Fort Davis.
The original fort was built in 1854 to help protect travelers on the San Antonio to El Paso Road across West Texas from Indians and Mexican bandits.
Here is Karen at the welcome center where we watched a short movie and looked at various displays and artifacts.
Here is a painting of what the fort's barracks looked like in the l880's when the Buffalo Soldiers were here after the Civil War,

This is what the reconstructed barracks look like today.  It was a slow day at the fort so a park ranger followed us down to the barracks and unlocked the door.  He let us in and gave us a private tour. He had great knowledge,  loved to explain the history, and answered all of our questions.  He was a retired elementary teacher named Mr. Sloan.  He brightened up a cold dreary day.

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