Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Chihuahuan Desert - A Good Place to Hike and Bike

We recently paid for a permit to hike into the Big Bend Ranch Texas State Park.  Karen loves to look for stones and fossils and whatever....
except snakes! (of course)  We did not see any this time.

Here she is wandering off the trail to check out the remains of a spaceship that crashed years ago.

We hiked up Contrabano Creek and discovered where the clear water was coming out of the ground.  (Just ahead in the picture above)

The following morning Bill did a two-hour mountain bike ride ride out through the desert.

Most of he trails were packed hard and quite easy to ride.  There were some nasty gullies and washouts and very sharp cacti that had to be dealt with.
(Okay Okay - Maybe it wasn't really a spaceship that crashed.)

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