Thursday, January 12, 2017

Another Road Trip

The 48-mile trip on Route 170 between Lajitas and Presidio, Texas has been called one of the most scenic drives in all the U.S. by some travel magazines.  Therefore, we recently drove over to Presidio for lunch at a Mexican Restaurant there, La Patio.
FM 170 is a roller coaster of 25-mile-per-hour turns, steep grades, and plenty of sharp ups and downs.
There are often steep mountains on one side of the road........
....and large drop offs to the Rio Grand River on the other side of the road.  We passed a few public river launch sites for canoes and kayaks.
Signs like this along the road made Bill pay attention to his driving.

This roadside rest area with covered picnic tables was certainly unique.

In three different locations we were pleasantly surprised to find large groups of bee hives like you see above.  One would not think there would be enough blooms in the Chihuahuan Desert to support them, but there is.
We had a very good Mexican-style lunch and a fine day of sightseeing.

Yesterday, 1/11/17 we saw a record temperature in Lajitas of 82 degrees.  Bill jumped into the unheated swimming pool but did not stay in long.

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