Friday, January 6, 2017

Along the Rio Grande

On Thursday we saw the biggest fluctuation yet in a daily temperature.  The morning started out at 36 degrees at the Rio Grande Village RV Park in Big Bend, and rose to 80 before the afternoon was over.
This is what the Rio Grande looks like just down from our campsite.  At this point it is not much wider than the Manistee River where we live.
Along one of the hiking trails near the river we came across the sight above.  There are a number of finely-crafted, small bead figures near the coffee jug and a pretty, well-carved, painted walking stick on the left.  All had a small price tag with the money intended to go into the jug on an honor system.   Obviously, the seller was from Mexico.  Bill bought the walking stick and paid the full price of $10 into the jug.
Later in our hike, Karen took this picture of a horseback rider (on the right).  We watched as he/she rode across the river and  climbed up the bank into Mexico.  We do not know if the rider was connected to the money jug or not.
Karen took this photo at the end of the day.  Out here in the desert it cools down quickly in the evening and the stars are brilliant after dusk.

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