Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Lucky Bicycle Path Find

Monday, January 2, 2017 was another warm and sunny day down here in southwest Texas. Bill decided to take his bike back to Moore Park to explore the bike path while Karen wanted to do another load of laundry and stay closer to the RV park.
The bike trail at the park in Del Rio was scenic and fun to ride but it turned out to be only about 1-1/2 miles in length.  Also, there were quite a few pedestrians to steer around, and many were walking dogs.
This house across the stream from the bike trail was super.  Notice how the stone steps lead right down into the water.  How sweet and cool that must be on a hot day in summer!
So, with the disappointment of such a short bicycle trail, Bill had to do some exploring outside of the park... and found this place nearby.  Ah Ha.
A closer inspection disclosed this sign out at the road.  See the first sign to the left.
Bill found 18 holes worth of beautiful, smooth, paved cart paths behind the club house.  Better yet,  there was no one around to tell him not to ride them!
The country club had apparently just recently closed as there were still ball washers out like this.  The cart paths and bridges over the streams were great fun to ride, and on these trails there were no pedestrians or dogs.  What a find and what a great place to explore!
Bill rode for a couple of hours and racked up over eight miles.  He did not see another soul on the course.

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