Friday, January 13, 2017

An Exciting Ride Up Into the Mountains

A a recent warm day Bill joined a small group for a 3-hour horse ride at Lajitas Stables just west of the resort.  Karen declined the chance to join in.
Here is the wrangler, Kelly, getting the horses ready for what Bill expected to be a calm, peaceful ride out into the desert.
Here is Bill's horse, Shrek, a 7-year old gelding.  He was the youngest horse of the group.  Kelly's horse was 18-years old.
Here is the group at the top of one of the mountains.  Kelly is working on the bridle of a horse ridden by a man from South Dakota.  The couple was from Texas.
The trails were tight with many exciting views like this as we rode along.  The crumbling rocks under the horses' feet along the very steep inclines and drop-offs made the ride more exciting for Bill than a roller coaster at Cedar Point.
However, even without a seat belt he made it back down from the mountains.
It was a horse ride that he will remember for a long time.  Now you know that you can trust a  horse named Shrek to bring you back alive.

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