Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

Karen and Bill spent a rather calm New Years Eve watching the Fiesta Bowl on TV while having a few drinks.  They did not quite make it to midnight before going to bed-but it was close.  
Broke Mill RV Park was quiet except for a few minor fireworks.
Karen agreed to pose with one of her favorite Christmas presents she received this year.  It is a Samsung Galaxy Tablet that Bill gave her to replace her old Nook.  Now on the long stretches of Texas roads she can play Candy Crush and check her email, etc., etc......
....and Karen got this picture of Bill celebrating the New Year after the Fiesta Bowl!  Perhaps he did have a drink or two too many!!
(Just Kidding - actually the figure above is a sculpture at Seminole Canyon State Park depicting the famous pictographs there)

We hope 2017 is good to you.

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