Saturday, January 21, 2017

A Bicycle Ride Around Las Cruces, New Mexico

On Thursday there were high wind warnings out for the Davis Mountains area so we packed up very early and departed, heading west.  From experience we learned that it is not much fun pulling a travel trailer during periods of high winds, so we tried to beat the worst of the windy conditions.
We drove through El Paso and  checked into the Sunny Acres RV Park in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  We are now in the Mountain Time Zone and two hours later than Michigan.  Bill found a good paved bike trail (above) and went for a long Friday ride.
The way these pecan trees had been pruned recently reminded Bill that he needs a haircut soon.

There were many of these sign along the trail asking people not to disturb the Burrowing Owls.

A homeless person was living on the banks of the shallow and muddy Rio Grande River near the trail.
More to come on the Las Cruces area tomorrow.

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