Thursday, January 19, 2017

We Visit the McDonald Observatory near Fort Davis

On Wednesday we drove about twelve miles north from the Davis Mountains State Park up to the McDonald Observatory high in the Davis Mountains.
The Observatory is in active operation and is run by the University of Texas.  It has a Visitors Center, gift shop, and cafe and is open to the public for certain programs on specific days of the week.  The picture above is what we saw as we drove to it.
We had planned to attend their "Star Party" program the prior evening but the skies were cloudy.  The night programs allow visitors to directly view the heavens using one or more of their large telescopes.
We got the "Solar Viewing & Guided Tour".  It was very educational and fun as well.  Above you see the 107 inch reflector telescope as our guide, Rachel, explains how it works.  Until 1948 it was the second largest telescope in the World.

Here is Karen just outside the telescope.  You can see just how remote the setting is.  Rachel said we were 100 miles from the nearest Walmart!  The skies are dark and usually great for viewing the heavens.  Usually...😆 

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