Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Local Politics and Movies

In Lajitas they know how to handle their politics.  A few years ago they elected a new mayor who is still in office here.  His name is Clay Henry.
Here is his shingle that hangs just outside of his office.

And here is his honor himself.  You see, he is a goat.  He was elected fair and square,  (He needed no help from the Russians).  When you walk past his pen, believe us, he smells like a politician!  The local saloon is called the "Thirsty Goat".

The main Lajitas Resort area has many small "old Western" type shops.  There have been many movies made here and nearby.  Those include two Gambler movies with Kenny Rogers, Terminator 3, parts of the Lonesome Dove miniseries, and a Gunsmoke TV episode, to name a few.
There are various types of Hummingbirds down here this time of year.  On a recent walk this one stopped for a picture so we could prove it.

We love that our Maverick Ranch RV Park is a "Dark Skies" park.  That means that all outside lights must be turned off at 9 PM so people can see the stars. Sweet.

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