Sunday, January 8, 2017

Into the Maverick RV Ranch at Lajitas Resort

About twenty miles west of Big Bend National Park is a very small town on the Rio Grande River named Lajitas.  Years ago a wealthy man bought up the whole town and tried to turn it into a ritzy golf resort.  He did so, but he went bankrupt in the process.
The 20,000 acre resort is now owned by a Dallas billionaire.  It has the best RV park around so we checked into the Maverick Ranch  at Lajitas.  The resort has a beautiful 18-hole golf course right on the Rio Grande and offers such activities as shooting, zip lines, hiking trails, equestrian events, and jeep rentals.  There is a restaurant here, a saloon, and a general store.
A visitor here sees this logo on signs and door mats throughout the resort.

One certainly can see the similarity to the mountain peak behind our RV park.

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