Wednesday, February 24, 2016

We Take a Side Trip To Another Texas Park Nearby

The weather here near Burnet, Texas was cool and windy on Tuesday, so we drove about 10 miles south to visit this State Park above.
For $15 each, a visitor could take a 1-1/2 hour guided tour of the Longhorn Cavern.  We signed up. 
 During the Civil War Confederate soldiers collected bat droppings in the cave to make gun powder.
Our group was small with only one other couple from Austin, plus our 74-year-old tour guide (with the flashlight).
He said an earlier group had 17 people including a couple from Russia.  Our guide was a retired school teacher and led the tours only one day a week.

This section of the cave was all crystals in the walls and beautiful to see.  We had about a 1-1/4 mile walk underground.
Here Karen studies what the guide said was a "natural formation" and not a carved statue.  He said they called it the cave's "Rockweiler"!

Longhorn Cavern was a very interesting stop here in the Hill Country, smack-dab in the middle of Texas!

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