Friday, February 26, 2016

This is President LBJ Country

On our way to our next campground in Fredericksburg, we decided to stop in Johnson City, Texas to see where LBJ grew up.  LBJ was born about 12 miles west of Johnson City but his family moved to this house when he was five years old and he grew up here in this small town.

We got a guided tour of the house.  Here is the kitchen.  We learned that LBJ was born in 1908 from two educated parents who taught their children to debate at the supper table and front porch. His father was a state legislator, and LBJ often rode through the countryside with him as he campaigned for his many elections.
The house has been renovated and restored to appears as it did in the early 1900's.  It is a beautiful setting on a very large corner lot.

After Johnson City we drove out to his ranch which is now a state park.
More on that tomorrow...........

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