Saturday, February 27, 2016

The LBJ State Park and Historic Site

About 14 miles west of Johnson City, Texas near the small settlement of Stonewall is the 
The LBJ State Park and Historic Site.  
It contains many properties associated with President Lyndon Johnson's life, including what was once the "Texas White House".
At the Historic Site a visitor must obtain a tour route and a driving permit from the State of Texas to do a self-guiding tour of the ranch.  The properties are actually run by the National Park Service.
Here is the one-room school that LBJ attended.  Bill noticed that is was smaller than the Newton Woods School that he went to for two years near Volinia, Michigan.

Here is the Johnson Family Cemetery.  LBJ and Lady Bird are under the larger grave stones.
It was a beautiful small grave yard.
The land is still an actual working ranch and these are descendants of LBJ's cattle.  The drive takes you right through the pastures.  Notice the brand and number on the horns.
(We had to bribe him to pose for us, and that is no bull!)

Here is the Johnson Ranch House, (or Texas White House at the time).  We paid for a guided tour of the house but could take no pictures inside.  LBJ died here.  Lady Bird donated the ranch to the State of Texas.

There was a barn full of LBJ cars.  The back seat of this ranch convertible had a wet bar and a rack for two rifles.....
and this was the corvette that he bought for his daughter, Lucy, on her 18th birthday.
(nice Dad!)
And finally Karen is about to board Air Force one for her trip back to snowy Michigan.
(Just kidding)

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