Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wednesday: What are all those Little Sand Mounds??

The nearby town of Keystone Heights turned out to be clean and modern compared to many towns we have seen in Florida so far.  It is the hub of three smooth paved bicycle paths that Bill had to try.  They allow no motor vehicles on them so the trails were being used only by bicyclists and walkers.
Above is the bike trail to the southeast. On the path Bill saw his first Florida snake sunning himself on the pavement.  Unfortunately, he was camera-shy and slid into the grass to hide before Bill could stop and get his camera out for a photo.

Here is out campsite in the wilderness.  We love the quiet and the stars at night but there is no cable hookup and very little Verizon cell tower coverage.  (Note the TV antenna is up)  The daily temperatures have been near 70 but last night we had our first Florida Freeze and had to unhook the water from the RV.
Throughout this area we have been seeing thousands of these small sandy mounds.  At first we thought they may be created by termites or ants or some other insects.  Can you guess what builds them?  Can you say CREPUSCULAR?
See below for the answer.......

Try Pocket Gophers.  The park ranger told us he has lived here all his life and has never seen one alive in the wild.

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