Saturday, January 24, 2015

Another Look at the Rocket Launch and some Florida Parks' Info

One of my dear sweet high school classmates who reads our blog sent me this view of the same rocket launch that  Bill and Harry witnessed Tuesday evening.  Bill must admit that it is just a tad more professional than the ones he posted. Ha Ha  (and a lot closer than 60 miles away)  Thank you Shauna.
Florida has a few unique laws that have surprised us.  Do you see anything strange about this park model home above? .......See below for the answer.
Answer:  It has a vehicle license plate with the tabs up to date. If any part of a structure down here once had wheels the structure must have a current license plate - forever.  It does not matter if it will never be moved again!  Go figure that one out!!  Must be for tax revenue.
It goes without saying that these Florida RV, park model, and mobile home parks and resorts have many older residents.  Consequently, we often see the sight above: which is emergency vehicles coming in.
It seems that about every-other day a resident in the park has a stroke or a heart attack (or at least thinks he/she is having one).  Also falling accidents are common, so we have gotten used to sirens and flashing lights.

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