Friday, January 30, 2015

We Go See Mickey at the Magic Kingdom

Thursday the day was cool in the morning (mid 40s) but sunny, and in the low 70s by afternoon.  It was an excellent weather day to do the Magic Kingdom.  We had not been to Disney World for about thirty years and most attractions have remained the same. But still a lot of fun!
After some practice - we thought we did much better with this selfie.  What do you think?
Okay Okay .....maybe we got some help with this picture from a lady walking by.
The Country Bears were still having their Jamboree
 The Pirates were still being wild in the Caribbean.
 Karen still loves the Small World.  These dolls were in Ireland.
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad was a fun roller coaster to ride.
We watched the street parade-- which was impressive.  This mechanical dragon was gigantic and scary. 
 And of course we saw Mickey and Minnie.  We decided you are never too old to enjoy what Disney created.

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