Monday, January 12, 2015

College Football Championship is on Monday Evening so we Move

The football game of Ohio State vs. Oregon is going to be broadcast on ESPN only. We cannot  watch the game at the Salt Springs Campground as there are no public cable hookups there.

However, as you can see from the two pictures above - some campers solve that problem with their own private satellite signal  receiving devices to get the same reception they do at home.  They can watch the ballgame Monday in their campers or out by their fire pits.
We moved Sunday to a RV park with cable, and along the way we saw this church sign that we thought was fine advice for all of us.
We drove out of the Ocala National Forest and into the town of Silver Springs which is near Ocala.  We found a RV park across from the famous Silver Springs and plan to explore the area soon.  More on that to come tomorrow.

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