Thursday, January 29, 2015

Outdoor Resorts at Orlando

On Wednesday we decided to take a break from the theme parks and catch up on a few chores and enjoy the resort in which we are staying.  It may be the cleanest and most tidy park we have ever seen in our travels.  After a trip for gas and supplies at the local stores, Karen did some laundry.  We did some exploring on our bicycles, and Bill took a swim.
The pool is very large and heated.  It was a cool day only in the 60s so Bill had it all to himself to swim laps and enjoy the deep end.

The bath and shower rooms at Outdoor Resorts are all beautifully painted like the three examples you see above.  A strange thing about the park is that none of the streets have names so it is easy to get lost.  Maybe street signs would just be too messy?
We have mentioned how tidy this resort is.  Can you spot the garbage can at our site in the picture above?
Probably not because it is underground there by the white post.  All the garbage cans are hidden like that.  They are just too unsightly to be seen at Outdoor Resorts at Orlando.

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