Sunday, January 3, 2016

Troublemaker in Camp! A Close Call as well.

On Saturday morning we drove north a few miles to the nearest Winn Dixie supermarket to stock up on groceries and a few miscellaneous items.  On the way home we stopped at this Flea Market near the Florida/Georgia line.  We bought a couple paperbacks but didn't find much.
Our campground near Jennings was full of Muscovy Ducks plus one red rooster.  This goose wandered into camp Saturday evening while honking loudly and made himself at home at the camper next door.
After about an hour of loud honks the lady in the camper had enough.  As you can see above, she came out with her broom and chased him across the road.  Needless to say, he soon returned and honked into the night!  He was still hanging around Sunday morning just to annoy the lady's cat,
Karen had a Close Call in Georgia!
  This was her $100 dollar Winner - and with one more number we would be driving a new motorcoach!  Two more numbers and we might be riding in our own jet.

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