Friday, January 15, 2016

A Strange Creature..........Can You Find It?

On a recent bike ride on the mainland, Bill spotted this rather rare creature up in a tree.  Can you find it?  Answer is at the end of this blog post.

On Thursday we hooked up and headed east on Highway 98 to the town of  Eastpoint, then we took this four-mile bridge out to St. George Island on Route 300.  St. George is a 28-mile long, skinny barrier island.

On the Island we settled into this State Park where we had made a reservation.  St. George reminds us of Grand Padre Island in south Texas.  More on the park and the island to come.

Here is the squirrel that was up in the tree.  We had seen a picture of a white squirrel in one of the tourist brochures but did not expect to see one running wild.

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