Friday, January 1, 2016

Our Bags are Packed so We Leave Michigan and 2015 Behind

 On the morning of Tuesday December 29, 2015 we dug our way out of the heaviest snowfall so far this year in Frederic, and headed south to pick up our travel trailer in Georgia.  We decided to avoid   I-75 this trip, and instead took I-69 to Indianapolis, then I-65 toward Alabama.  As soon as we entered Indiana we left the icy roads behind.  Traffic on our route was not bad and we spent our first night in a motel in Columbus, IN.  On Wednesday after a steady day of driving, we grabbed a room at dusk near Mongomery, Alabama.

Our travels southward were quite uneventful, but we did pass this rocket at NASA headquarters near Huntsville, AL that looked almost ready to blast off.
On the morning of New Years Eve, after 1250 miles, we arrived at Valdosta, Georgia and found our trailer to be in good shape and ready to go.  We knew that we needed ESPN to watch the bowl games so we hooked up and by mid afternoon we were pulling into Jennings Outdoor Resort Campground near Jennings, Florida.  They had cable TV service available and some vacancy spots so we took it.

The campground was friendly and sent out this couple (above) to welcome us and explain the campground rules.

We got this spot with a lake-front view and settled down to make outrselves comfortable, and to welcome in the new year.  We could not believe the 81 degree temperature, and soon we were unpacking our shorts and light clothing.

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