Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Visit to the Old City of St. Augustine

The sun was shining Monday morning so we decided to drive over the Bridge of Lions, to behave like the other tourists, and revisit the old city.  St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied city in North America.  Above, behind Bill, is the Castillo De San Marcos, a national monument that was built starting in the year 1672.   That is one really old building!
We walked St. George Street, which is kind of like Mackinaw Island on steroids, and had a great lunch at the Columbia Restaurant.  The city was busy but not as crowded as last year.
 Bill misplaced his map and had to ask this Florida Indian for directions.  He looked but could not find the car either, so he was not much help.
The walls of many of the old buildings are made from cement with sea shells mixed in for strength.  Here Karen points out how they have stood the test of time.  It was a pleasant city visit and we even made a unique purchase which you will see in a later post - so stay tuned in.


  1. Hey~What's with the jackets??

    St. Augustine, how nice :) Have fun exploring the City on Steroids!! LOL Snowy and very cold here. Kim went to check on the "Cat".

  2. Curious about the unique purchase-- Will stay tuned .


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