Saturday, January 9, 2016

Hitchhikers from Georgia and a Trip into Town

We decided to roll out our awning from the side of our travel trailer for the first time since we picked up and -- can you find who who had apparently decided  to make it their home in Georgia?   Look above.
Two chameleons had moved in and did not appreciate us unrolling their love nest.  They had been riding with us since December 31 and it seems Bill's driving had not scared them that much!

We drove the few miles into town to check it out and get a few supplies.
Note the "Get Hooked" sign below the main sign.  Fishing is big business around here.

In the small town of Carrabelle we wandered through a few antique shops, and Karen is pointing out a good Florida spot to meet our next-door neighbor from Michigan.

$$$$$$$$ Spoiler Alert! $$$$$$$
Karen is also planning on winning the Powerball drawing when it happens tonight just up the road in Tallahassee!

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