Monday, January 18, 2016

Not all Campers' Pets are Dogs

As we move around different campgrounds and RV parks we see many people with dogs - lots of dogs, in all shapes and sizes.
However, as you can see in the cage above, dogs are not the only pets that enjoy camping.  Here a Cockatoo was screaming at the dogs going by.  We also saw a couple who took their two cats for walks on their harnesses and leashes.  The cats were well behaved, and would come over to strangers to be petted because they loved people.  Rare!
Most of the houses on St. George Island have metal roofs because they are so durable.  But look above at this older home to see what the salty sea air will do to a metal roof over time.

Here is a common sight at our travel trailer.  Karen is very sensitive to cooking smells in our land boat, so she often fixes up a slow-cooking meal and Bill places the pot outside to cook all day.  Delicious.

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