Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Stormy Night at a New State Park

On Thursday we moved further west into Grayton Beach State Park.  It is smaller than most, but right on the beach and has a campground circle of about 30 sites that is very new and modern.  It has sewer hookups, and a free washer and dryer (which makes Karen very happy).

Grayton Beach is one of many small, upscale, connected communities along the shoreline just south of Highway 98 on a 20-mile stretch of road called 30-A.  These municipalities are all connected by a 20-mile paved bike trail that makes for a great ride.
On Thursday night the big storm that is now hitting the East Coast of the US blew through the Florida Panhandle.  We had to "batten down the hatches" and ride out the storm.  Friday morning our weather was colder, so we bundled up and took a walk along the churning sea.  We were surprised that the beach was spotless; not a seashell or a jellyfish anywhere.  Beautiful.

The scene above looks like a picture in  a snowy blizzard up north.  However, it is just other walkers in the white sand and ocean spray caused by the gale-force winds coming off the water during our unusual walk.
It was fun.

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