Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 49: We Explore the Valley Creek Texas State Park near Beaumont

On Thursday Thunderstorms were predicted to rumble across this area and eastward, where we are headed, so we took a day to fix a few items on the trailer and truck, do some washing and explore.  The storms blew through last evening while we were tucked safely in this heavily wooded park.

Bill found the park had miles of good trails.

Many of the trails were great for mountain bikes.
The locals call this area "The Big Thicket".  East Texas has lots of pine forests.

In the creek access parking lot Karen noticed this long line of ants carrying pieces of leaves.

We traced the line back to this tree where they were coming down the vines.

We followed the line back the other way more than 30 yards across the gravel parking lot.

To this hole where they were taking the leaves.  It was an amazingly long way for an ant to travel carrying a large piece of leaf.

Just outside the park this lawn decoration proves that Texans are not normal people!

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