Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 32: Not all Birds in Texas are Beautiful

Our current RV park is located only a couple of  miles away from Texas Road 1015 that goes straight south to Nuevo Progreso, Mexico. 

Along 1015 there are many signs like this one above.

We are seeing plenty of  these Long-Tailed Grackles.

They are a nuisance bird like the Common Grackle we see in Michigan.  In downtown McAllen one evening we saw hundreds coming in to perch on the wires overlooking the city.

Just like at home we keep an inside/outside thermometer in our travel trailer.  We keep the outside sensor in a side trailder compartment.  Our smart phones will tell us the temp outside, but we prefer this.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...been gone for over a month. Eli had his one month check up today and almost weights 10 pounds. Keep up the good work on the Blog.


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