Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 36: Gladys Porter Zoo (Part 3 of 3)

The Zoo was fun and the animals were entertaining.  Here are the last of the pictures that we will share with our readers.  (Perhaps with a little humor mixed in ;>)

These Tigers were not getting ready for the baseball season!

This is a deadly Black Mamba.  They can grow to be 9-10 feet long. -->scary!

These Pygmy Hippos were rejects from Weight Watchers.

This is a Lion Fish.

Here is a Radiated Tortoise.  They have been documented to live 180 years so one could be alive today that was hatched in 1834.

This guy was sneaking out back for a smoke break.  Karen mentioned to him that it was hump day.

A Morey Eel popped out of the rocks.  Probably the best photo of the day. (Bill thinks)

This lizard was demonstrating how to take a siesta.

On our way out of the zoo a gardener showed us this Tarantula that he had found under a rock.  (no joke)
And the best news of the day --Karen had the winning ticket for the last drawing and won two $10 gift  cards to a Brownsville Restaurant called Vermillion.  We plan to use them next week!!

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