Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 33: A Walk into a Small Wilderness

The weather was cool on Tuesday so we decided to get some exercise by taking a walk from our RV park into what a small sign said was a Federal Wildlife Refuge next door.  We thought it would be short and boring but it turned out to be much more.
The road started out through normal brush, bushes, and thick undergrowth.

We soon started to see various small ponds and wetlands.

We saw coots like these and other small varieties of ducks.

And turtles.

We startled these strange large birds that we believe were a type of spoonbill.

Karen spotted this sneaky rust-colored hawk looking for dinner.

In the distance we saw what looked like a soft white island?

It turned out to be a flock of Pelicans that were having a love-in, or sleep-in, or feed-in??
We found out later that we had ventured into the Esterno Llano Grande Texas State Park by way of a back door path.  I guess you never know what you are going to see in Texas!

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