Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 34: We Visit the Brownsville Zoo (Part One of Three)

Our Texas AAA Tour Book lists the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville as a Diamond Gem attraction.  Wednesday,  February 5th the Zoo hosted Winter Texan Appreciation Day so we decided to drive the 25 miles to check it out.  It was definitely worth the trip.  The Zoo was clean, compact, and well-organized.  There was a drawing every half hour for prizes, free coffee and doughnuts, and anyone showing an out-of-state drivers license got in at half price.
We knew we were close when we saw these vehicles in the parking lot.

This bird was loaned to the Zoo by NBC
This fellow looked like no one to mess with....

So we were really surprised when he crawled over by a fence and these Texas children ran over and posed for a picture on his back!  Texas kids are tough.

This Mom was showing her child how to find lunch.

We could have watched the sea horses for a long time.

This ostrich apparently does not like confinement.  Note the lack of feathers on his rump.
And this wild pig was definitely in need of a barber.
More to come tomorrow.
Hang in there it may get better???

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