Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 31: Seahawks Won - now back to Texas

Many people down in southern Texas have told us that termites and insects are a common problem here.  One has to be very careful before buying real estate structures they say.  On many a walk or bike ride we have noticed the signs of healthy insect life in the ground.
Here is an ant hill on top of a 30 foot high levee road.

These ant hills were fresh and right next to the bike path in the State Park
The ants hills were thick at the State Park and crawling with activity.

This is a close up of the red ants in the ant hills.

Farther down the top of this levee there appeared to be a termite trail across the road.

Bill thinks termites travel underground in paths like this.

Here is a walkway at Llano Grande Lake Park.

After seeing the ants and termites - stepping stones seem like a pretty good idea down here in Texas.

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