Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 43: A Day Trip to South Padre Island (Part 1 of 2)

Thursday was another warm beautiful day so we decided to head about 25 miles east to South Padre Island on the Gulf of Mexico.  It is a tourist attraction we had to see for ourselves.
Here we cross the bridge from Port Isabel to the Island.  It reminded us of a miniature Mackinaw Bridge crossing.

But the water was not as clear and bright as the Straights of Mackinaw.  And the bridge had a curve or two.

The town on the Island had many high rise condos overlooking the Ocean.

The area was brimming with restaurants, bars, high rise condos and T-Shirt shops.

As you drive north out of town you soon see the shifting sand of the dunes filling the main road.

Here is how they keep the road open.
We walked along the beach.  We did not like the fact that cars and trucks are allowed to drive along the beach as well.   It is hard  to enjoy the ocean when a few hot-rodders are zooming by that might just run over you.
More about South Padre Island tomorrow.

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