Friday, October 21, 2022

Up the River to Richland, Washington


We left Hood River early and soon  were leaving the green vegetation behind for the barren dry country that you see above.  These two large rocks above are called the twin sisters.

We noticed this abandoned boat on shore in the distance and decided he did not have a good boating adventure our here in the middle of nowhere.

We tied up at the dock in Richland, Washington and after lunch we had a bus ride through town to the Reach Museum.

The Reach Museum had many displays about normal local attractions and natural history.

During WWII this area was the home to the Hanford Project where the atomic bomb was created.  Therefore, the bomb history is the major attraction.

The town of Hanford was created for the people who developed the bomb that was used in Japan.  It was crowded and employed hundreds of people.  It was also kept secret to the World.

Bill liked this display of scientific tools used by the bomb scientists as he has a sliderule collection at home.

After our visit to the Reach Museum we walked up town in Richland and noticed this unusual business sign above.

Tomorrow we enter the Snake River and will loose all communication with our phones as we sail through the Snake River Canyon.
Wish us luck!

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