Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Mobridge South Dakota - In the Middle of Pretty Much Nowhere

On Tuesday we were on the road early headed straight into the rush-hour traffic of the greater St. Paul/Minneapolis area.  We made it through town with minor delays and were soon into South Dakota as we followed U.S. 12.  The crop harvest is underway and we saw more corn and soy bean fields than a person should be allowed.  And note to readers - the crop fields out here are immense as are the  numerous grain elevator storage bins we saw!

We stopped to check out a couple of antique shops in the town of Aberdeen and then cruised on into the small town of Mobridge, South Dakota where we will spend the night.  Above you see Karen on the stairs of our unique small motel.

We walked a short distance to the local Moose Lodge for supper, but for the sake of Halloween - Karen had to stop at the local tombstone business next door.  😱

After supper we saw the sun setting across the almost treeless landscape of western South Dakota.
We have had excellent weather so far but that could change tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I'm along for the ride...so keep your blog coming!! Shauna


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