Monday, October 10, 2022

Day One and We Almost Made It Across Wisconsin

 On Monday October 10  we were on the road north by 8 A.M.  We crossed the Big Bridge and headed west on U.S. 2.  We had lunch at Menominee, Michigan and entered Wisconsin with an hour time change.

After about 540 miles of driving we booked a room at a Hampton Inn in, of all places, Menominee, Wisconsin.  Across from our hotel we noticed this dealer sign that was just a tad out of date - don't you think - as Oldsmobile stopped making cars in Lansing in 2004! 

We took a walk to get some exercise and noticed this pet-friendly kiosk.  Maybe they are not unusual at your location, but we don't have any in Frederic for our pets .  

                                  We do however, have plenty of items like this for sale in Crawford County.

We do have plenty of these critters back home as well.

The weather this morning was just above freezing back home, but by the time we had supper it was above 70 degrees with bright blue skies here in western Wisconsin.



  1. Fun! I’ve never seen a pet wash before

  2. Some dogs need it. Maybe a cat or two.


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