Wednesday, October 12, 2022

A Long Senic Drive To Helena Montana

 We left Mobridge, SD a tad before dawn for another long drive down good old U.S. 12 further into the West.  It had rained a bit over night and the morning was cloudy as we drove through a small section of North Dakota before entering Montana.  Soon thereafter a coyote ran across the road right in front of us, but he was too fast for us to get his picture.  🐺

The wild fires in the West have been in the news all summer, and we drove through a section that showed the damage.

The scorched trees were on both sides of the road so the fire must have shut down the highway when the burn was going on.

Before we got to Helena we had to slowly follow these two highway department vehicles for about three miles as they painted new lines on the road.  The front truck was painting the side white lines.

The following truck was painting a double  yellow line, above, and both were doing a fine job.

We stopped for lunch in a town called Roundup, Montana and drove 640 miles on Wednesday to reach Helena.  The weather was bright and warm when we arrived after a long but enjoyable journey.
🌲    🌲

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